There have been several controversies regarding the content of vape juice. This was pioneered by the recent outbreak of e-cigarette and vaping associated lung injury (EVALI) and other health complications. Most theories have linked this outbreak to the high concentration of nicotine in vapes, but information gathered from research proved otherwise. In this article, we’ll outline the components of vape juice and what is used to fill an e-cigarette. The ingredients include the following:

Propylene Glycol (PG)

PG is described as a thin, colorless, and odorless organic compound used as a base for vape juice. It has a long history of serving important roles in foods and household products like sodas, ice cream, and coffee drinks. PG possesses levels of therapeutic properties and are often used in medical inhalers. As a humectant (ability to absorb moisture), it combines with nicotine to create the usual throat hit effect experienced during vaping. PG is also responsible for the anti-freeze properties in vapes. It is non-toxic and is often added to automotive coolant to lessen the toxic risk for animals drinking from a puddle under a car with a leaky radiator.

Vegetable Glycerin (VG)

VG is thicker than PG and slightly sweet when tasted. The food-grade VG Is derived from soy or palm oil in a process that splits the sugar alcohols of the plant extracts and those related to fatty oils. VG is commonly utilized as a food sweetener and a moisture preservative. It plays a key role in preventing toothpaste from drying out in its tube or ice crystals from forming in frozen yogurt. The health benefits of VG have also been utilized in cough suppressants and heart medications. The combination of PG and VG makes the base ingredient for the vape juice. VG is responsible for the visible clouds of vapor exhaled during vaping.


PG/VG base mixture tends to occupy up to 90% of the entire vape juice, with the remaining percentage occupied by nicotine and vapor. These are food-grade artificial flavors suspended in a PG base with some VG-based variations. Please note that the flavors used in vape juice are safe to eat, but the level of their safety when heated and inhaled directly into the lungs cannot be guaranteed. This is because there is little to no scientific evidence explaining how they can interact with body cells.

Some flavors have been studied, like diacetyl, which creates a buttery flavor and was once popular in bakery-inspired vapes. It was used in the creation of artificial butter flavor added to microwave popcorn and has since been identified as a linked cause to some lung diseases.

Nicotine Extract

Although not all vapes contain nicotine, it is an important ingredient in vape juice. It is either added as nicotine salts and traditional or freebase nicotine. The use of nicotine provides a smoother feel in the throat and increases the rate of uptake by the body.


Vape juice is a combination of vape juice base (PG and VG), nicotine extracts, and some sort of flavor. The concentration of these products determines the rate of absorption into the body. Let us know if you have any questions about vape ingredients. We will be glad to answer any questions about specific products and flavors and what exactly they contain.






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