A study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that Marlboro brands, which are well known and most used, contain somewhere between 19.4 and 20.3 milligrams of nicotine per gram of tobacco.  Similar to the Marlboro brand are the Newports, which have almost identical numbers.

Keep in mind that these numbers are on the high end. On average, the CDC study concluded that cigarettes contain 19.2 mg per gram of tobacco.

Something I should note here is that one analog cigarette contains one gram of tobacco.

So that’s what you get when you light up one Marlboro — approximately 20mg of nicotine.

Now… how does that translate into vapes?

After all, you’re putting in your own liquid there… there are several different strengths you can choose from… and the absorption works quite differently, too.

According to a bit of back-of-the-napkin math, a hit from a cigarette is equivalent to a hit from a 16mg vape juice. I can’t emphasize enough that this is not an exact science — how big of a hit you get from one inhale will depend on the ingredients in your vape juice, as well as the type of vape pen (or vape mod) you’re using.

How to Figure Out Which Vape Nic Levels Are Right for You?

So, you took vaping for a spin. You like it, but you still feel like cigarettes give you a better hit.

If that’s the case, there’s a chance you’re not using the right vape juice.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of nicotine percentages, as well as what nic level you should consider depending on how much you used to smoke:

3mg (for light smokers) — if you smoke 1 to 5 cigarettes per day then these levels should do the trick;

9mg (for casual smokers) — if you smoke half a pack per day, a liquid of 100ml with 0.9% will be right up your alley.

18mg (for heavy smokers) — anywhere between 20 and more cigarettes per day.

Keep in mind that these values are something you should start from. They are not set in stone.

Determining your nic level is a trial and error process, and to find whatever floats your boat you should play around with it.

Let me give you an example:

I smoked approx. 10+ cigarettes per day. Some days I would burn the whole pack and some days I didn’t even bother to look at them.

I started vaping with a 6mg nicotine mix and it was too strong for me. My throat started to hurt and there was no flavor in my vape.

So, when I bought my vape juice the other time, I opted for less nicotine.

After a few tweaks, back-and-forth I managed to find a perfect percentage for me; 0.3%.


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